Sunday, 31 July 2011

Perfect Sunday

Today was a perfect Sunday, my in-laws are here so we headed to the beach, we had fun collecting sea glass, swam in the lake, played with water guns and finished the day off with ice cream. 

Hubby is home tomorrow, it feels like he has been gone for longer than 8 days but it was worthwhile as the Academy boys won 3rd place in their Cup which is the highest they have ever placed but i will be glad to have him home, i missed you honey!!!!!

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

race night

Today was one of those days where everything annoyed the hell out of me!!! I am annoyed at parents who allow their children to be mean and rude, get off your backsides and parent your kids!!!! I've had enough of the parents who shout and holla at the kids soccer games, for god sake they are kids and the coaches are all volunteers, and finally i am fed up  with adults that are willing to accept the credit for other peoples hard work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Having got that off my chest, i am so grateful for my beautiful, crazy, wonderful kids. Tonight we headed over to the pool for race night....
showing his support

i love this crazy kid!!!


of course he found the balls...

ready set go

she did great!!

go franco go!!!

Tuesday, 26 July 2011


I am so in love with this!!!! It is yet another i phone app, I have been wanting to get images this way that I  can put onto canvases after seeing something similar on Pinterest, i'm off to the photo shop to see if they can do it for me, fingers crossed!

Monday, 25 July 2011

Happy Monday

So Summer is in full swing around here, the heat has been turned up a notch so there has been lots of swimming going on. My house is constantly full of kids, for some reason our house is the go to house and 90% of the time i love it, but occasionally it would be nice for me to be able to clean my house and let it be nice and tidy for more than 5 minutes!!!

Hubby left yesterday for Dallas for a week with his Academy boys for The MLS cup ( i'm thrilled to say they won their first game 7-1), i really have forgotten how often he used to be away but we quickly slip back into Daddy being away mode. Today was a busy day full of swimming and tennis lessons and an afternoon spent cleaning the Dodge and then returning it,I took the 3 youngest ones to Chuckie Cheese while Luca had his Soccer practice as a treat for waiting around the Car dealership all afternoon.

There are no pictures of Franco as he was too busy having fun with Luca's friend who had come with us!

Saturday, 23 July 2011


Love this, I need to buy one and stick it on Luca's bedroom wall!!!!!!

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Perfect day...

It was a perfect day...
they made cushion forts

Franco had his Tennis lesson

Alessia climbed trees

Lorenzo played on the swings

there were swimming lessons

and it was rounded off with a Girls night out for me...

Wednesday, 20 July 2011


We are in the middle of an extreme heat wave, with an expected temp of 36 degrees and the humidity making it feel in the 40's, so if you need us today we will be at the pool......

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Alessia's busy week

My beautiful little girl has been busy this week, on a daily basis she amazes me with her strength of character yet loving and sensitive soul, she really is an amazing kid who I have no doubt will do great things with her life!!!!!

She lost 3 teeth this week, the Tooth Fairy has been very busy at our house!!!!

She mastered the art of riding her bike

She was so proud of herself, her smile was so big

perfecting her cartwheels 

Time for crazy stick on nails

She has gone up a level in swimming, she just loves being in the water!!