Saturday, 28 January 2012

NYC in pictures

So I know these are ridiculously overdue but I really haven't had the energy to do anything, I can cope with the pains it's the exhaustion I can't cope with, hopefully I will get some answers soon and can get my groove back!!!:)
This was a great, crazy trip, only we would take 4 kids to NYC at Christmastime!!!! Luckily we had Cassie with us, was fun to have her with us and  great to have an extra pair of hands:)

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!! Here's hoping 2012 is good to all of us and is our happiest healthiest year yet:)

 The holiday season is over for another year, it always goes so fast. I am still unpacking from our trip to NYC, my Sister has gone home and the kids only have a few days left until school starts again so life is slowly getting back to normal. I have Daniele home for another week or so until our crazy schedules start so I am putting him to work around the house painting all the kids bedrooms,  should be fun!!:)
But for now here are some overdue pictures from our great trip to Jamaica before Christmas, be warned there are lots of them but trust me there could be lots more!!!!