I am testing really well and the fact that my last ultrasound showed no tumour is amazing and worth every 7 hour iv I had!! So I am now dealing with the circulating tumours in my bloodstream , the thought of these metastasising tumours taking root somewhere else will keep me fighting, going for treatments and on my diet for a while. There is still a way to go and I think I will wait until the new year to re do my German(bio -focus) blood test. I still haven't got over the shock of the last ones results, the fact that my tumour has gone is fantastic but my circulating tumours had trebled and it made me feel like I had been hit by a truck and I still get moments where my stomach will contract with fear but I have to believe that the jump in my numbers was due to my macrophage cells and the activating agent that I inject myself with, because the alternative would just be devastating and I just cant allow myself to go there!
I am so grateful for having Daniele by my side through this whole thing, I could never love him more. he will never understand how much it means to me that he has never questioned my treatment choice, the alternative way can be scary as it is not the norm and not understood by many but he trusted that I would never put myself at risk, I have 4 kids to be here for. The cost of it all has been as stressful as having the disease and he has never once asked how much it is all costing and I will never forget that and he will never understand how much it means to me.
I have been humbled and well and truly put in my place by this disease and I will never take anything for granted again but I cant wait for this year to be over, 2013 just has to be better because I'm not sure I could cope with another one like this!!!!