Monday, 13 June 2011



I arrived home last week to a parcel sitting on my doorstep addressed to me, which was very exciting as it doesn't happen very often, they are usually always for the kids. So I fought the kids off, told them it was all mine and opened it and promptly burst into tears!!!!! Inside the box under the bubble wrap was my Nana and Papas Cuckoo clock, my Papa has now moved into a home ( its a good thing, he is now happily flirting away with all the old ladies!) and I had asked if I could have the clock so my Uncle Peter saved it for me ( Thank you Peter!).
I loved my Nana and Papa and always felt I had a great relationship with them even though they lived in Australia and we were in England and I have vivid memories of this clock from trips to visit them this and the smell of toast always makes me think of them, strange I know! So I was thrilled to be able to keep the clock, Daniele not so much, I have been told I am not to wind it up, he doesn't appreciate my little Cuckoo going off every hour, its all very amusing. As much as I love this clock it needed some help fitting in our house so I have glossed it Black and it is now beautiful, it may be stuck in a corner right now until Daniele gets used to it but I have plans to move it soon, no one sticks my baby in a corner......

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