Wednesday 29 June 2011

schools out for summer

Source: via Claire on Pinterest

School is out for Summer so we had a party, I hired a bouncy castle, we had a pinata, we made cupcakes and the kids had a blast! I can't believe another school year is over already, they really do fly by. Alessia graduated from SK and will be full time school come September, she really is ready for it but I will miss having her around, she is such a delight to do things with but I will now have to start doing classes with Lorenzo instead. I am so pleased that I won't have to make any packed lunches for a while, I really was running out of ideas and it all starts to get boring and I am thrilled that I have turned my alarm off and will be enjoying a lie in tomorrow!!!!!
Heres to a fun filled summer everyone!!!

Tuesday 28 June 2011


I have my Mum and Sister here for 10 days and it is lovely, we have never really had family around the corner since we left home, what with living in Italy and constantly moving around the country from club to club but we always had my Mum or Danieles Mum at least every 4-5 weeks come and visit but now it is every 4-5 months. Which is still great considering it is now a 7 hour flight and not a few hours car ride, so with every visit now we really have to cherish our time together and soak up as much love as we can. It is so nice for our kids to have family come who shower them with love and they are just so happy to have them here. I feel sad sometimes that we don't have family with us here in Canada but this is home to us right now and our kids are so happy here that we just have to take the good things about life and roll with the bad, you can't have everything!

Sunday 26 June 2011

Follow Me on Pinterest


Our garden has mushrooms popping up everywhere and Alessia believes it is all the fairies having parties in our garden at night. We are big believers of fairies in this house, I grew up making fairy houses and even had my own one who lived in my dolls house. I loved how my Mum encouraged us to believe in fairies and magic and I love that Alessia now believes too, we spend hours making houses for them and she swings as high as she can so she can see the them in the sky, it's all so cute!!! We all need a bit of magic in our lives......

Source: via Jan on Pinterest

Friday 24 June 2011

A day in the life....

Lorenzos day in pictures....
Helping with the cleaning, he sat in the bucket!!

Having a rest from cleaning

In the garden
nap time
lunch time
so happy he found Luca's candy stash
chatting on the i touch
more fun in the garden
more fun
peace at last!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Lately in our house we are only seeing Daddy for maybe an hour of quality time a day, this time of the year is a bit crazy with his work and the boys soccer schedules, Daniele usually gets home at 5.30 to then have to leave again an hour later but hey this is life and we just have to make the most of the time we can spend together and make sure there is a good supply of Red wine to get me through!!!! So when he said this morning that he should be home early today I said great maybe I will go and get my nails done and I love the way he said are you crazy I'm coming home to spend time with you!!!! So I wont be getting my nails done, I will be spending time with my Hubby and revelling in the fact that after 21 years together he still wants to spend time with me :)

Tuesday 21 June 2011

I love reading and love nothing

better than finding a book

that I don't want to put down

yet I don't want to finish,

this was one of those books,

if you are looking for some

summer reading material,

I would highly recommend this book!

Source: via Jane on Pinterest

Monday 20 June 2011


Yay...There are only 8 more days of

 school left,

 I'm looking forward to a summer of

outfits like this,

cool summer treats, making forts,

trips to the lake,

family visiting and lots of fun in

the pool.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Happy Fathers day

 Happy Fathers day to all you Dads out there. We had a lovely day, very relaxing, we had a big breakfast and gave pressies, then spent the day at the lake, We skimmed rocks, played in the park and had a delicious dinner. I can't believe that we now have 4 kids to celebrate these days with and I never in a million years would have thought when I had Luca at 21 that we would end up with 4 kids but as busy and crazy as it can be sometimes I would never change a thing. I love watching Daniele be a Dad, he is a great one and it fills my heart to watch him with the kids, we have both relaxed with each kid we have had and we now really just enjoy every moment as a family together (meltdowns and all!!!)

Saturday 18 June 2011

fun filled saturday

Franco's garage sale

T-shirt I made for tomorrow

dinner in the garden

My two little partners in crime!!!!

watering the plants

chasing me with the hose!!!!
Today was one of those perfect Saturdays where it is a lazy but busy day! Daniele was at work all day,  Franco held a garage sale, Alessia had a playdate, Luca hung out with his girlfriend, I made a T- shirt,we had a quick trip to the mall and then Daniele took Luca and Franco to watch the TFC game tonight,  So the little ones and I  had dinner in the garden and watered the plants.   I hope you all had a fun filled Saturday!

Friday 17 June 2011


When we moved here four years ago Alessia was 16 months old so I joined a bunch of classes with her and we were lucky enough to sign up for one class that we made a good group of friends in. I became good friends with the Mums and Alessia with her friends so over the years we have kept the kids in classes together and we Mums have done coffee mornings together :)  It has been lovely to watch the kids grow up and how they have all changed, it has sadly come to an end though as they are all graduating SK in 10 days and will be off to full day school, and they all attend different schools, we will of course all remain good friends and us Mommies will have more time to sit and gossip as we don't have pick up so early. 

I decided to have the group together yesterday as our gymnastic class finished last week, so we bought cupcakes( should pretend i made them!) filled up water pistols, and made pop corn, it was a really nice afternoon. 

Wednesday 15 June 2011

The tooth fairy will be paying us a visit tonight!

Alessia lost her third tooth today at school while snacking on her apples.  She is so excited the tooth fairy will be visiting tonight, I really hope the fairy isn't too busy to come tonight like she was last time!!!! Because she lost it at school they gave her a small treasure chest to keep it in which I think is so cute, what a nice thing for the kids, it sure beats wrapping it up in toilet tissue!!!

Tuesday 14 June 2011


So it seems summer has officially arrived in in our house, check out Alessia in an old float suit she found and Lorenzos arm bands( she is so cheeky!), its a great look!!!!!